What change can bring

It was just back in July that Nick and I left our old brokerage and joined Sagely & Edwards Realtors, but it seems like a lot longer ago.  We really hit the ground running and created a momentum that we never had before.  How did this happen?  I have an idea. 

The minute we shook hands with Mont Sagely, who is the owner and principal broker at Sagely & Edwards, something just felt right.  It was like the change had brought about a new freedom that allowed us to work as Realtors in a way that was amazingly comfortable and easy-going.  And when you can approach your work that way, when you’re happy to get out of bed each day because you truly believe something good can happen, you create a strong momentum.

I won’t say that clients are “dropping into our laps,” but they’re definitely coming in larger numbers than ever.  As of this writing in late September, we have closings scheduled through November, with more contacts being made almost every day.  It’s like our decision to change agencies pointed us in the direction that was the absolute correct one for who we are and what we want to accomplish.

Personally, I’m beginning to see what we call “the real estate business” in a whole new way.  I’m more confident than ever that I can truly help the buyers and sellers who I work with to succeed in getting the best possible deals that match their goals and their needs.  This confidence seems to rub off on the people I have the privilege of serving.  It’s like we’re in this together, and we know that we know that we know we’re going to be successful.

I’m not bragging here, not at all.  I’m just pointing how I’ve learned that when you put yourself in the right place and keep yourself open to the things you want the most, those things have the best chance of coming to you.  No matter what your job, if you feel good about it and feel good about yourself and your ability to do a great job, it’s like “the stars” align to give you every opportunity to fulfill your mission.

Nick and I are so appreciative of all that Mont Sagely has done for us in these last couple of months.  One thing that really stands out is his going to my properties and taking awesome photos to post on the Sagely & Edwards website.  Believe me, this means a lot, not only because the pictures are of such high quality but also because it frees up my time to continue down the road I’ve chosen – that of helping clients like they were my good neighbors and building success and achievement for both of us.

The message is simple, at least in my experience: In order to have things in life go your way, you have to get yourself into a position that will allow that to happen.  Often that means change.  And often, change isn’t comfortable – at first.  But don’t give up, stay with what you know to be right, and you’ll be amazed at how things begin to shift in your favor.

Ellie Glidewell