Which 10 states have the highest foreclosures per capita? Arkansas isn’t one of them.

We’re always happy when Arkansas doesn’t wind up on a “negative” list, just like we’re encouraged when our state is singled out for something great.  This list today is the top 10 foreclosures-per-capita states in the United States.  CNBC.com published the list that measures foreclosure activity through July 2012.

Wisconsin came in at number 10, with one foreclosure in every 571 households.  A total of 4,534 properties were in foreclosure in July.  The rate is up 43.34% since June last year and down 8.11% since July 2010.

Number 9 is Illinois.  One in every 498 households are in foreclosure, with 10,627 filings current in July.  This rate is 3.51% less than in June 2010 and down 45.79% from July 2010.

Idaho comes in at number 8, having foreclosures in one out of every 417 households.  There’s a typographical error on the CNBC Iowa page, so all we have for the number of active filings through July is “1,52.”  The foreclosure rate is down 17.49% compared with June 2011 and down 42.02% since July 2010.

Next is Michigan at number 7, with one in every 417 homes in foreclosure.  Total foreclosed properties active in July were 10,894.  This rate is down 15.67% since May 2011 and down 42.15% since June 2010.

Number 6 is Florida.  This state sees one foreclosure for every 396 households.  Total filings active in July was 22,377.  This rate is down 5.86% from June 2011 and down 56.60% since July 2010.

Utah is number 5, according to CNBC, but it’s actually in better shape than number 10 Wisconsin, if the “933 households” is correct, which I assume it isn’t.  But we’ll continue with what CNBC mis-printed: Total properties in foreclosure in Utah through July was 2,553.  The rate is 21.13% less than in May 2011 and 34.50% less than in June 2010.

Georgia is next at number 4.  Georgia shows one foreclosure for every 355 households, with 11,461 active filings in July.  This rate is 17.97% higher than in June 2011 and 8.87 lower than in July 2010.

Next, Arizona at number 3, where one in every 273 households is in foreclosure.  Total properties with active filings was 10,098 in July.  This rate is 24.91% lower than in June 2011 and 38.04% lower than in June 2010.

California is number 2.  This state has one foreclosure out of every 239 households.  As of July, there were 56,193 active filings.  This is a 3.89% improvement since June 2011 and a 16.02% drop since July 2010.

The number one state for foreclosures is Nevada, with a startling one in every 115 households in foreclosure.  Through July, there were 9,930 active filings.  This is 0.77% lower than in June 2011 and 27.66% lower than in July 2010.

Like with any economic rebound, the rebounding comes to some indicators before others.  The foreclosure situation is still not good – especially for these 10 states, but we must continue to work hard and be patient and do our parts to help it change for the better.

Arkansas didn’t make this list.  We’re hoping for the best for the states that did.

Nick & Ellie